Look at the followers...
Be leaders, boys. Been behind Lejin so long you are startin' to smell like shit, ya pussyboys. 34 votes, 24 downloads, guarantee all 24 downloads were fives and then you 5 little fucks made sure to 0 this track as much as you could because you're so jealous of success. Jump off nuts, ya fuckboys, or get some audio of your own. I mean, shit, between the five of you, you can come up with the 19.99$ for that Wal-Mart mic and tell us how you really feel. Until then, don't comment on people's flow, skill, ability, or anything at all, frankly. STFU and go back to Runescape and Hentai, ya fucktards.
As for this track, good mix. The vocals are a bit strong though, maybe notch the mids out on the instrumental a bit with EQ and tone down the gain on the vocal compression to make it mesh more but still be powerful enough to be at the front of the track. Keep it pimpin' and keep up the good work.